A speech bubble with the words "The Yotsubox! (Click Here)" in it.



it's just me,


A lalafell cheering with a bright splat of paint and a paintbrush around them.

most folks have trouble with their luck at some point, and that's alright. it's normal. but it's also what i'm here to fix! come on, we'll find you the perfect good luck charm.

.NAME. yotsuba yoshiko
.NICKNAMES. yo-yo, cat, the stray
.GENDER. questionable
.PRONOUNS. she/they/dude/bro
.NAMEDAY. 4th sun, 4th astral moon
.ALIGNMENT. chaotic good
.HEIGHT. 2 fulms, 91/2 ilms
.WEIGHT. 38 ponze
.BODY TYPE. average
.HAIR. red-brown with dyed white sections
.EYES. amber with catlike pupils
.MARKINGS. whisker-like tattoos on their cheeks
.APPARENT RACE. dunesfolk lalafell
.CITIZENSHIP. hingashi, doma , limsa lominsa
.OCCUPATION. shop owner & gambler
.AFFILIATION. asano tea  & ceramics
.ACTUAL AGE. 100 years, give or take
.ACTUAL RACE. maneki-neko

 about a cat :  Blessed with a perpetually babyfaced set of looks, a fairly average build for a lalafell, and standing at a very unimpressive two fulms, nine and a half ilms, this tanned person would probably get mistaken for underage very easily if it weren't for their prolific gambling and drinking habits. There's almost always a huge, toothy grin plastered across their round face - though their canine teeth are longer and much more pointed than they should be - and their wide amber eyes dance with mischief. Their eyes also have black slit pupils, which is very odd for a Dunesfolk, which they claim to be.A set of three slightly faded whisker-like black lines are tattooed across each of their chubby cheeks and there are a single pair of piercings in the lobes of their ears, though they normally only wear only one earring: a miniature aetherstone. Their red-brown hair is kept in a loose braid and ponytail combination but is still always a bit messy, as if they have perpetual bedhead. There are white streaks and patches throughout their hair, though it doesn't look like regular greying - it looks intentionally (but messily) bleached out.Their fashion sense leans toward roguish, with Lominsan pirate colour themes and Hingan/Doman outfits common to the criminal classes as typical looks they sport. The little red collar with a gold bell never leaves their neck regardless of outfit; if you can get close enough, you might notice it is engraved with some Hingan characters.

 a cat's mind :  Loud, boisterous, and extremely friendly, yotsuba can and will talk to - or at - anyone at any time, anywhere. they are optimistic and personable, quick to smile, and seemingly bereft of any sense of personal space. They tend to look for the fun in everything and sometimes appear to be lighthearted and almost childlike in nature because of it. Being of a chaotic and carefree mind, they chafe under strict authority and are prone to quick-witted back-sassing. they like gambling and alcohol, and tend to wander the streets of the city they're staying in more than staying in one place. they have soft spots for children, the downtrodden, and stray animals, often going out of their way to help any of these as best they can. If it makes someone else smile, no price is too high.overall, they have the public air of a complete slacker, barfly, and a degenerate gambler with heart.Under that facade is another story, however - a far more cunning mind than the surface shows. they are extremely street-smart and very quick to pick up on things. they have used their outgoing personality to get secrets and information from people - and they have been known to tailor lies to get the secrets they chase. they're also never as drunk as they look - they use alcohol as a cover; being "drunk" means people aren't as closed-off around them.

.LIKES. fishing, drinking, gambling, spicy food, marketplaces, making friends, fucking over the man, helping the underdog, knowing secrets, napping, painting, headpats, graffiti
.YIKES. being woken up early, people on a power trip, needless cruelty, being underestimated, unfair deals, being told what to do, vegetables, being bored, being stuck anywhere

 The life of a cat :  born in the alleys of the kogane dori market to an aging maneki-neko, yotsuba spent most of their early life - the first fifty or sixty years - in calico cat form (and various humanoid ones) getting to know the residents and shopkeepers, to the point her name is well known to several generations of families who reside in the area. their personable attitude and easy to get along with nature ensures they've got a malm-wide information net in the district, and a lot of people are willing to do them favours and vice versa - they love their people and work their luck magic to help them out frequently.Around the time of Doman resistance outreach to eorzea, they happened to be in the right place at the right time to get scooped up by a sailor and adopted as the ship that transported yugiri's delegation ship's cat. Initially this concerned them, as they'd be away from the kogane dori for some time, but they are nothing if not adaptable and rolled with it. They were not disappointed.In eorzea, they parted from the ship 's crew and did some touring. the big city markets made them the most comfortable, and they wound up adopting the humanoid form they wear today while they were in ul'dah's ruby road. the business-minded lalafell proved a perfect form, allowing them to fit in and really learn what made eorzean markets tick.After picking up a few vices in limsa lominsa and making friends with several pirate crews who are always wanting for a little more luck on their side, yotsuba finally packed up and returned to kogane dori a few years later to continue what they do best, picking up the spirits and luck of the whole merchant community. they eventually secured a business permit under the name yotsuba yoshiko and opened the lucky charm shop they operate today.

ooc things

there's some

rules & preferences

if we're gonna play...

  01.  I will not ERP with Yotsuba. Yotsuba is panromantic, but is also asexual and sex neutral/averse. They'll show interest in a lot of different people, and while gender is not an issue in their attraction, their goal is never sex with anyone.  02.  I won't do animal or child abuse/harm scenes. I may write small bits of them in stories of my own, but I won't play them out with anyone else. This ensures I stay within my comfort on the subjects.  03.  Other mature subjects, within reason, are on the table. While Yotsuba is a pretty lighthearted character, I don't mind RPing some mature themes with them. Please talk it through with me and we might be able to work something out!  04.  In addition to rule 03, I will not RP mature themes with people under 21. This is my safety and yours here, people. Please don't even ask about mature RP at all if you're under this age. If I find out you are while an arc is ongoing, I will cut you off entirely and warn the community. I am more than happy to RP non-mature themed arcs or one-offs though!  05.  I am more than happy with yōkai/supernatural shenanigans, but if you're not, that's fine! Just let me know and I can adjust. I won't force the more supernatural things on people who don't want them; as far as those folks are concerned this is just an odd little Dunesfolk with slit pupils living in kugane, running a charm shop.  06.  I like the lore, but I am open to lore modification and introduction! As you can tell from this character, I don't mind bending things a bit to fit in a cool idea. To me, the lore's a hanger for our fun garments - there to be a basic structure, but other things look good on that framework too so we might as well drape them there.  07.  yotsuba is very friendly and so am I! I don't mind being bothered in Discord, email, or game. Feel free to just send a tell if you want Sasata around and I'll make an effort to get her where she needs to be - in game, in Discord, via email, whatever!  08.  I keep some weird hours and I'm not in game when most other Balmung players are. I live in EST, but I work night shift over the weekend so I usually only have time in game between Tuesday and Thursday nights (0000 to about 1300 EST). Contacting me outside those hours (and in general) is easier on Discord or in email.  09.  I prefer paragraph-based, humorous slice of life RP but I'm flexible and willing to match a partner's style and preferences. Short one-off scenes or longer plots, walk-ons in ongoing stories or new best friend material, it's all good!

every story has

a writer

penning the words!

 about me :  Hi there! I'm Squirrel (she/they/dude).I'm a character writer and veteran RPer of 30+ years now, if I count both tabletop and in video games. This may or may not make me old enough to be your parental figure. It's okay though, I am still just a puzzling and chaotic mess of an ADHD-riddled creator of nonsense and shenanigans, most of which are in character.Most.If you need a little levity injected into your RP life, give me a call. I specialize in the friendly, the silly, the absurd, and fun!In real life, I'm a night shift nurse at a long-term care facility. In game, I'm mostly DPS now because healing stresses me the hell out.

a fallout style character portrait of the author

art of a postmoogle flying with their bag shedding letters

Postmoogle art by Pastel storm!

so how do i get

in contact

with you?

 quick answer :  The good news is i am super easy to get in contact with despite my night shift hours. I have accounts in a number of different chat programs and sites, and I'm happy to grab another if I need to. Yotsuba even has her own dedicated email, so feel free to use that!

.IN GAME. yotsuba yoshiko
.EMAIL. [email protected]
.DISCORD. @craniumsquirrel
.TUMBLR. @craniumsquirrel
.BLUESKY. craniumsquirrel.fun


time to get hooked!

Yotsuba enjoying a rice ball

【you might know yo-yo if...】

  • You are a frequenter of card games, legal or illegal, on any continent.

  • You've spent time in Limsa Lominsa, especially at the Missing Member or with the Sanguine Sirens in general.

  • You are in or around marketplaces often, especially the Kogane Dori market in Kugane.

  • You're affiliated with the Yellowjackets or the Sekiseigumi - neither of them can pin anything on yo-yo, but they're known to both groups.

  • You are part of the Maelstrom - they're a Storm Captain, though only the twelve know how.

  • You're part of, or are friendly with, the Confederacy.

  • You are known to Kugane's or Limsa Lominsa's urchins, for good or ill.

  • You have connections in, or are part of, the Kugane yōkai community.

  • You played a part in the Doman reconstruction effort.

【you might need yo-yo if...】

  • You're looking for a custom-made omamori or other charm for a specific type of luck.

  • You've lost money to them at a gambling table.

  • You need someone to talk pirate at people for some reason.

  • You did a little shoplifting from their store or pickpocketed them and now your luck has gone down the drain completely. you need help.

  • iala il has pranked you and you've tracked the pixie back to yotsuba.

  • You need a Kugane tour guide who can make sure you don't lose your shirt in the market.

  • You're looking for a drinking buddy you can easily carry home if you need to.

rumors, lies, and other nonsense

yotsuba is surprisingly well-traveled for a yōkai bound to the kogane dori markets, and because of this there's rumors about them basically everywhere - some of which might even be true. listed here are some you may have heard from various people of Limsa Lominsa, Kugane, and the gold saucer. Those near the bottom will be much rarer, so if you're using one of them as a hook, please let me know first!

【common rumors】

  • "If you feel like losing yer wages, the lalafell's holding court at the member tomorrow." -- [bar Patron]

  • "Don't think I ever saw 'em sad, that one. Always a laugh, and a good tip to boot!" -- [Miqot'e Barmaid]

  • "I'm sure she's cheating somehow. Somehow." -- [Broke-ass Kugane Gambler]

  • "If your belly is rumblin' an' there's no money, go see 'em. you'll eat for sure." -- [Kugane Urchin]

  • "their charms really work! It's not just a story!" -- [Nosepicking Child]

  • "There's cats everywhere! They almost seem to follow her! It's unsanitary!" --[Flustered Noble]

  • "if you need to find somethin', no matter how weird or rare it is, ask them first. you'll save yourself a boatload of time and effort; they know everyone and everything about this market!" -- [traveling merchant]

【uncommon rumors】

  • "They say she's casting spells during the games, but I've never seen her do it." -- [Gold Saucer Table Bunny]

  • "That coin of his is where all his luck comes from! Someone should steal that thing..." --[Lominsan Thief]

  • "I hear she won her rank in a card game. Don't see how that's possible, but she hasn't exactly denied it yet." -- [Maelstrom Private]

  • "they're an odd one. Keep strange hours and I think they sleep in the shop. Some mornings there's no sign of them until their kitten climbs in the window." -- [Kugane Merchant]

  • "I hear both the Sekiseigumi and the Yellowjackets are after her. Wonder what the fuck she did to deserve that mob."-- [Whispering Thug]

  • "I'm not sure where they gets it, but they always have money and they're not afraid to flash it about. There's no way a piddly charm business in Kugane makes that much cash." -- [Unimpressed Lominsan]

Yotsuba getting ready to deal a game of cards

【rare rumors】

  • "Psst. Did you hear? They say she once killed a guy. No, really! Jumped right on his back and bit into his neck. Shredded his skin up with her nails, too! I mean, I can't really believe she'd do that, she's so nice, but those teeth..." -- [Doman Rumormonger]

  • "I'm pretty sure they're a kami. Maybe." -- [Star-Struck Geomancer]

  • "They say he's a proper pirate, but I can't see how that's a thing. Look at him, he'd blow off the deck in a stiff breeze! Ha!" -- [Lominsan Deckhand]

  • "I got no idea where she even come from! One second, nothin's there. I turn around an' back an' there she is with that paintbrush like she was summoned from thin air..." --[Would-be Charm Thief]


neko no te: yotsuba's good luck shop!

Nestled in a back alley near the Mujikoza theatre, there's an unassuming staircase with a cat's paw print and a red arrow pointing up painted on the wall at its base. This easily-missed marker is the ground floor welcome to Neko No Te, one of the best kept secrets of the famed Kogane Dori marketplace.Boasting an unrivaled collection of good luck charms and blessed trinkets from across Othard and the Hingan isles as well as some old Eorzean favourites, this cozy second floor emporium is a must visit for anyone who may need a little extra luck in their lives. Friendly locals are always on staff to help you find the exact sort of luck you're after.Need a testimonial? The locals in the bustling market below swear by the shop's goods, with many of them stating they have never purchased a product that doesn't work as intended. A warning to would-be thieves, however: a sign on the sales counter warns of the dire consequences of extremely bad luck if the charms are pilfered rather than paid for.

-The Raven, Hidden Gems of the East

a tiny shop named using a Far Eastern saying about being so busy you'd welcome even a cat's help, the full on-the-books name of yotsuba's shop is Neko No Te Mo Karitai, though it's usually only called that by people looking for tax payments and tourists. Everyone else just calls it Neko No Te - Cat's Paw.Boasting everything from Hingan Kobayashi fisherman's flags to lucky knot and sheep talismans from the Azim Steppe to some eorzean and hannish classics, all with a guarantee of working magic and a good price, this shop is just the place for an adventurer who needs a little extra oomph. yotsuba will even take commissions for custom tailored omamori if you need something extra special!You are welcome to visit whenever you like as the shop is left open for public, just know yotsuba is not always there. If they aren't and you need them, messages can be left at the service counter - the head clerk always has a book set aside for it.

Shirogane 7 Subdivision, Kobai Goten, Apartment 70

what's in store?

pictures of items in the shop

【current stock includes...】

  • stuffed animals of all types, blessed for courage, protection and/or general good luck. Great for kids!

  • rings of fortune-finding, guaranteed to improve your money luck!

  • doman fisherman's flags for luck in the catch!

  • a wide assortment of lucky gems, with a stock that changes weekly!

  • knot charms and adorable sheep talismans from the steppe!

  • blessed coins and other pocket-baubles for luck on the go!

  • a massive collection of hand-made omamori with a wide range of different luck blessings!

  • charmed jewelry for luck in love!

  • art and statues from across the star - and beyond! - to bring fortune!

  • kogane dori's best collection of tomes and scrolls of luck spells to try on your own!

...and more!

 REMEMBER :  if neko no te doesn't already have the lucky charm, scroll, or blessed item you need in stock when you come visit us, let the staff know and yotsuba will either track it down or make it themselves at no extra cost to you! we pride ourselves on happy customers, so let us know what we can do for you!


what can they do, anyway?

spread that luck around

 share luck:   if you got it, share it. this is yotsuba's core skill and function: the distribution of shifts to the people's luck. they are capable of granting both good and bad luck to people, which allows them to sometimes punch far above their weight in a fight.

monies! get some!

 the golden touch :   given they're a yokai who specifically deals with luck in the marketplace and finances, it stands to reason that yotsuba pretty much always has the money they need on them at any given time. If they don't have coin when they're asked for payment, somehow it ends up on their person regardless.

know when to walk away and when to run

 know when to fold 'em:   part of being a luck-based entity is knowing when that luck is about to break bad. yotusba is extremely adept at spotting these tipping points and removing herself as soon as possible to avoid the worst outcomes.

a meeting of minds

 I know a guy :   their familiarity with worldwide markets and trade networks has given Yotsuba a range of contacts in various professions, illegal and legal alike. If you ask, there's a good chance they have someone they can hit up for stuff. in game this is their crafting and gathering skills, which are limited to cooking and art otherwise

i got a spiritual guy

 spiritfriend:   a combination of being a spiritual entity themselves and a very friendly demeanor has made yotsuba a number of friends in the same kinds of communities. moogles, pixies, sylphs, and spirits of all types seem more than happy to at the very least sit down and shoot the shit with them, if not outright befriend them.

a meeting of minds

 shapeshifting:   a skill inherent in many yōkai, yotsuba is also a shapeshifter. they've tried on many forms over the years, and are capable of taking those on still, but they're most comfortable as a lalafell or a small calico cat. All forms (the animal and human ones) retain their red collar and bell.

tread carefully

 lightstep:   being a nearly silent walker when you choose to be is a skill that comes naturally to cats. given yotsuba's true form, it's not a surprise they retain this skill in both animal and humanoid forms, often managing to get close enough to touch someone before they are heard. note: does not apply during the zoomies.

in living colour

 living art:   a skill learned from a moogle they met in gridania's markets. by imbuing their paintings and drawings with a little of their own spiritual power, yotsuba can make their art literally come to life for brief periods of time. this can be draining if done constantly, but the art can shield, heal, and even damage foes if needed.